Process Systems Engineering Team (ProSET)


Supply chain; Enterprise-wide; Process units; Equipment; Transport Phenomena; Molecules


Oil; Gas; Petrochemical; Chemical; Mineral; Biotech


Economics; Environment; Sustainable development


Synthesis; Design; Analysis; Modeling; Simulation; Optimization; Planning; Scheduling

Methods and tools

Mathematical Programming; Numerical Analysis; Data Science; Machine Learning

About Us

ProSET (Process Systems Engineering Team) is a multi-disciplinary research team at Sharif University of Technology (Lean more about Sharif). ProSET deals with the design, synthesis, analysis, modeling, simulation, optimization, planning, scheduling of advanced process systems. At ProSET we specifically provide the optimal solution for the challenges of today’s oil, gas, petrochemical, mineral, and biotech industries through intelligent explorations and using both novel mathematical programming approaches and traditional methods and tools. The set of methods used includes experimental and theoretical modeling, simulation, optimization and automation of process systems.


Saeed Eini, PhD

ProSET Manager

Assistant Professor

Chemical & Petroleum Engineering Department

+98 21 6616 6418