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Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering

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Department of Chemical & Petroleum Engineering,

Azadi Ave., Tehran, Iran



Tel: +(98) (21) 6616 5425

Fax: +(98) (21) 6601 2983





1992 - Present : Professor, Dept. of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of

Technology, Tehran, Iran.



- Three two years periods served as the Associate Dean of Education at the

Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Dept. of Sharif University of Technology


- Two years served as the Associate Dean of Research at the Chemical and

Petroleum Engineering Dept. of Sharif University of Technology.


- General Secretariat of the First Iranian National Symposium on Fuel Cells, Sept. 14/16/2001.



Project Performed by Independent Research Grant

- 17 Projects (details of which my be preseted upon request) has been finished up.

These have been included experimental and theoretical works in fields of Catalysis,

Reactor Design, and Design and Construction of Fuel Cells.


- 1 Project on preparation and evaluation of Auto (i.e., honey combs or Catalytic Converters)

is on going.



Membership in Professional Societies

- Iranian Society of Chemical Engineers.

- Iranian Catalysis Society (A board Member).


Copyright 2007,

Latest update January 2007